Yes! I excitedly peered out my window this morning to see a pure white blanket of snow covering everything in sight. I rolled out of bed and bundled up in as many layers and I could (imagine that kid from the Christmas Story). As I got ready for the possibility of work, I thought of the best way to safely make it over to Brandon's house. I exited my home to find most of my car covered by a two-inch layer of snow! As I wrote in "A Cold Morning, But a Beautiful Day," I do not own an ice scraper. I searched my garage for anything that could possibly be useful to remove the snow, but the only thing I found was a box of container lids. Not exactly my first choice, but they would have to do. As I walked out to my car my dad popped into the room and asked what I was doing. After explaining my dilemma, he left momentarily and came back with two long sticks with a brush on one end. With that, I promptly brushed to snow off and jumped in, more than ready to feel the warmth of the heater!

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