The cliche "spring cleaning" is often used this time of year and the term is coined to refer to many types of cleaning. I have resolved to do a little spring cleaning in my life with the hopes that it will relieve the unnecessary stresses caused by a disorganized room and car (and the rest of my house). Another part of this cleaning will start with pulling together a few things to donate to a garage sale my friend is putting on for Japan.
On another note, Brandon and I celebrated two years last Friday night! I made him a surprise dinner the night before so that we could spend some time together, and for once it was a total surprise (you don't understand how hard it is to surprise him!). On the night of our anniversary, we spent the evening with my family, relaxed in the hot tub, and ate delicious steaks followed by watching a couple of episodes of our favorite TV show, House. :) Saturday night we went bowling and some Amy's Ice Cream with some close friends and found out how sore our arms get after playing two games!
On with the fun...
Photography classes have been amazing! From here on out, we are primarily shooting and editing our work. I have learned so much and I cannot WAIT to practice all the techniques and editing processes our instructor taught us. Right now, we are working on our architecture project which is due next week. Some other projects coming up include landscape, pet, flash, portrait, and news photography-- all great opportunities! I will need to take pictures at two locations with a long, medium, and short focal length for the architecture project. Last week, I took pictures at the capitol (my first building), though I am still undecided as for what the other location will be. Either way, I will see what comes to mind when I venture out this weekend... any suggestions? At the end of the semester, we submit photos for an event called Print Show. For Print Show, we must (by "must," I mean that attendance is required) submit three images- one person, one place, and one thing- that meet the criteria the judges are looking for. Fortunately, I have some that I hope might make it far in the contest! Wish me luck!
Architecture |
Architecture |